Amelia sleeps only near her dog siblings, this is increadable
Once Amelia’s mother realized that the trick to getting Amelia to sleep was to bring all the animals into the room with her to go to sleep, too.
Amelia made it into her crib by her second attempt, but the crafty toddler clambered out of it. Her mother was shocked. She asked Amelia where she learnt it, but the toddler only smiled to her mother.
Possibly inspired by Amelia, her dog Husky attempted to jump into her crib. After making some attempts to get all the dogs inside, Amelia agreed to sleep when her mother and two dogs went to sleep with her. They all are so beautiful and charming. That little one in the crib is so cute and lovely!
This shows that we always should respect our animals. This is what it looks like when you raise your child & pets with love & respect for each other.